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Hip Hop Madness is an event that is ran by people in the Greeley community who want to see kids suceed. Over the years we've booked countless dance groups, rappers, DJ's, beatboxers, and graffiti artists to help push the message of pursuing a higher education.


Hip Hop Madness must be doing something right because the event has grown from 10 people in a library to 800 squished in the University of Northern Colorado's Ballroom. 


Big shoutout to those who make this happen especially Amy Ortiz, Vickii Klingman, Armando Silva, The Prince KG, Monika Mullins & all the other talent who particpates every year.

Why do we do this?

Greeley has a huge amount of miniorties who are more likely to get stuck in the low life. Rather that be doing drugs or join a gang. Well what do all those kids have in common?




What better way to encourage kids to think about having a better future than by reaching them through something that they really enjoy.

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